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Mastering the Slap Shot in NHL 23: A Step-by-Step Guide


Elevate your gameplay in NHL 23 by harnessing the power of the elusive slap shot. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a budding hockey enthusiast, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the finesse and precision to unleash devastating shots and dominate the ice.

Aiming for Accuracy

Precision is paramount when it comes to scoring goals in NHL 23. Enhance your shot accuracy by targeting the corners of the net. The intersection of the goal line and post presents the highest probability of a successful shot. Remember, it's not always about power; it's about placing the puck where the goalie least expects it.

Executing the Slap Shot

  1. Position the Player: Position your player in a clear and unobstructed path towards the net.
  2. Wind Up: Press and hold the shoot button to initiate the wind-up animation.
  3. Aim the Stick: As the player winds up the shot, use the left analogue stick to fine-tune the puck's trajectory.
  4. Release the Puck: When the wind-up is complete, quickly release the shoot button to propel the puck towards the net.
  5. Follow Through: Ensure your player follows through with the shot to maximize power and accuracy.

Additional Tips

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Sharpen your skills by practicing slap shots in practice mode.
  • Observe the Goalkeeper: Study the goalie's movements and anticipate their coverage to improve your shot selection.
  • Leverage the Right Moment: Choose your opportunities wisely. A well-timed slap shot at the right angle can yield impressive results.

Mastering the slap shot in NHL 23 is not an overnight achievement. With persistent practice, unwavering determination, and the techniques outlined in this guide, you will transform into a formidable force on the ice. Seize the puck, harness the power of the slap shot, and leave your opponents in your wake.
